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CyberCom™ :: Recipes :: Flaxseed Pancakes

Healthier easy to make pancakes.

Flaxseed Pancakes

Flaxseed Pancakes

PREPARATION: 15 minutes
REST : 15 minutes
COOKING: 15 minutes
TOTAL: 45 minutes
PORTION(S): about 12 pancakes 8-in (20 cm) diameter



  1. If not already done, grind the flaxseeds in a grinder (coffee or flaxseed) until floury. Set aside.
  2. In a bowl, whisk all the other ingredients until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous. If needed, sift the paste. Add the flax seeds and mix well. Let stand 15 minutes.
  3. In a nonstick skillet, preheat the butter or oil over medium heat. Pour in about 5 tbsp. (75 ml) batter per pancake. Cook for 2 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Keep warm. Repeat for the rest of the mixture. Do not forget that the pan remains hot after cooking the first pancake. Thereby the oil heats up faster and the cooking time of the following pancakes is significantly shorter.
Serve hot pancakes as a side dish or as a main course with syrup, jam, cheese or your favorite topping.
A reader suggests replacing each egg with 1/2 mashed ripe banana, which gives a great result. It is to try.

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