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CyberCom™ :: Recipes :: Homemade Creamy Cretons

A Québec classic for the morning toasts!

Homemade Creamy Cretons

PREPARATION: 30 minutes
COOKING: 1 hour 30 minutes
TOTAL: 2 hours
PORTION(S): 8-10 servings



  1. In a large bowl, mix the meat.
  2. While stirring, gradually add the milk, finely chopped onions and garlic.
  3. While continuing to mix, gradually add the spices.
  4. Towards the end, taste to adjust the seasoning, if needed.
  5. Stir several times until the meat begins to juice.
  6. In a thick, uncovered Presto®-style pot, cook over low heat for about 1 hour 30 minutes, stirring regularly.
  7. When it looks ready, adjust the seasoning.
  8. Use a mixing arm to make the whole creamier.
  9. At the very end, sprinkle the pack of gelatin and mix well.
  10. Divide into several dishes, then let cool completely before covering and refrigerating.

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